




Please click on the study you wish to read. If you would like to print one of our studies you must set your printer preference to landscape. Do you have further questions about your, or a loved one's salvation? If so please contact us!


Asking Jesus Into Your Heart by Dennis Rokser


A Study of 1 Cor.15:20-28 By Ted McDivitt


Salvation Compared




Water Baptism




Who Am I


The Issue of Sin


Parable or Literal by Ivan Burgener


Death Came to all Men, Because All Sinned


God's love changes lives


God's goal accomplished by William C. Rebmann


The Lake of Fire 


Is Today the Only Day of Salvation by Ken Allen D.D.




What about the Fire?


Parable or Literal by Ivan Burgener


Questions Without Answers


Is the Doctrine of limited punishment terminated by destruction true? by T. Southwood Smith in 1834


The Lake of Fire by Ted McDivitt


Sodom by J. P. Adams in 1885


Definitions of Greek Words







Disclaimer: We believe in the free exchange of information. Posting a link, video or article on any page does not mean we agree or disagree with any of the information on the sites, videos, or in the articles. Indeed, while there is some material we find valuable at each link, on each video, or in each article, the reader must study it in light of the fact that we are simply desiring to give as much information as possible. We might not agree with much of the material at these sites, on the videos or in these articles -- we acknowledge that the creators of these sites, videos, and articles might not agree with us.

The Following video presents a Biblical look at the Doctrine of Substitution. Was Jesus merely a substitute or was He something more? Did He really become sin for us? Why do Believers still die if Jesus was our substitute? Check out the video below for the answers to these questions.

Questions about Salvation

Doesn't Revelation 3:20 teach that we have to ask Jesus into our heart for salvation?

Romans 10:1,9,13

Does not active sin, or future sins cause us to lose salvation?

What is the doctrine of Substitution?



Books and Lengthy Essays Dealing With Salvation


Please click on the Book or Essay you wish to read. These are books we believe to be among the best written dealing with the subject of salvation.


Journey To And Through The Second Death by J. Philip Scranton


The Second Death and the Restitution of All Things by Andrew Jukes


The Outcome of Infinite Grace by Dr. Loyal Hurley


Christ Triumphant by Thomas Allin


The Law of Circularity by J Preston Eby


If God Could Save Everyone, Would He? By Dr. Stephen Jones


Jesus' Teaching About Hell (Ghenna) by Samuel G Dawson


The Bible Hell by J.W. Hanson D.D.